Thursday 15 December 2016

A Busy Evening

It was a busy evening in the Jennings-Broughton household last night. 

After a long day at work we arrived home to loads of washing and dinner to cook, twice. Yes twice. Once for last night and then with that finished, cleared away and washed up, I set too again making a curry to warm through again on Friday night.

And then as if that wasn't enough it was time to wrap up all of the Christmas gifts we have bought. One error we made here though was buying glittery wrapping paper. The living room looked like a glitter bomb had gone off by the time we had finished wrapping. Liam looked fit to head to a 1970's disco, covered head to toe in glitter. We will have to apologise in advance to anyone before they open them!

And then finally it was weigh in night. Neither of us held out much hope of having lost much given it was a hard weekend and we both had big Christmas meals to attend  in between weigh ins. But despite all of the naughtiness we both managed respectable losses. Liam losing 3lb and me losing 4lb. Quite a shock but a very pleasing result. At this rate it won't be long before we have both lost a stone.

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