Thursday 7 February 2013

Black and white

We spent the evening after work last night cleaning the boat carpets. They were looking a little grubby so as part of our winter spruce up we have brought them home for a good wash.

They had their first scrub on Tuesday and the difference was instantly noticeable, the colour of the water that came out of them was quite disturbing. Then last night they had another scrub to remove any remaining dirt. Again the water was mucky but not to the same degree as on Tuesday evening.

The difference is quite remarkable from how they were to how they look now, they could be black and white in comparison. This weekend we will put the cabin carpets back in.

We have not done the cockpit rug yet. We will do this over the coming weeks but there is not much point putting it back on the boat until it is relaunched in early march. The hard standing is filthy so the rug would only get filthy again.

Before long now we will have the cabin ready for the cruising season ahead. The cockpit won't take long and the exterior will be finished by early march along with the servicing. Then Naughty-Cal will be ready to face whatever this summer has to throw at her, hopefully!

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